Friday, January 29, 2010

10 food rules to live by!

I wished we could take credit for these but we can't. We found them online and they are worth reading for sure.

here ya go:

1) One ingredient foods are always safe to consume. For example, apples, sweet potatoes, spinach, salmon. These are all one ingredient foods.

2) If you cannot pronounce the ingredients, you shouldn't eat it. Yeah, I know I've said this 100 times. It's worth saying again. Besides, I know you have no idea what di-sodium phosphate has to do with food (but it could be in your breakfast cereal).

3) If your teenaged son's sports drink is the same color as toilet bowl cleaner or antifreeze, it's not a good thing to consume.

4) If your great grandmother ate it, it's probably okay for you to eat it, too.

5)Drink just water when you go out to dinner. Everything else is too expensive, too caloric and you don't need it.

6)Sodas of any kind, suck up your money, your health and put on the weight, regardless of whether or not they're full of sugar, high fructose corn syrup or are sugar free. They are the enemy.

7)Juice needs to be drunk sparingly; it's concentrated calories. Tread carefully.

8)Eat your veggies. Lots of them. Seasonal, fresh or frozen and avoid the canned varietyĆ¢€”full of salt.

9)Eat as colorfully as possible. Salads should look like a rainbow and not contain Iceberg lettuce, which is nearly worthless nutritionally.

10)To afford to eat food worthy of consuming, eat only quality, real food and eat less of it.

You know, I could probably do 20 of these but I'm going to stop right here. What are your rules for eating healthfully? Have you thought about it? Do you eat like your life depends on your food or do you eat like it's your last meal?

If you stop the insanity of merely filling the void in your stomach and begin to take responsibility for your food choices, you'll begin to feel empowered. It starts with understanding how food will truly impact your life. Take pause before you fill up with just anything and think instead about nurturing the body you were divinely given.
